As 2016 approached and even now, a couple weeks into this new year, a line I read years ago in a poem ("The Summer Day" by Mary Oliver) has been echoing in my mind:
I love that. The question ASSUMES so much — that we have but one life, that it’s a worthwhile life, and that we have a responsibility inherent in our existence (i.e., life is what you make of it).
That same question also DEMANDS just as much — that we take ownership of the time we're given, that we be intentional and that we sense the gravity (and grandeur) of our lives.
It’s such a heavy and beautiful question.
Now, take a second and read those words again. Does the question overwhelm you? Scare you into avoidance? Excite you to action? Inspire you to dream? Feel rhetorical? Any or all of those? Good. I encourage you to wrestle with those feelings and thoughts. Sit in that discomfort. Embrace the process and go where it leads ...
May the question inspire you in your goal setting, decision-making and hopes for this year. May 2016 be one of profound purpose, intentionality and joy.
(P.S. I’m available, if you’re looking for help along the way — just get in touch!)